About Me

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melbourne, vic, Australia
Hi I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls and have the most ownderful husband, we are in the process ofbuilding the Marriott 44 which hasnt been easy, we looked at other homes and found that this was the house which ticked most of the boexes, please feel free to follow our journey and hope that this will help someone else out there

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

After much debating, we had fallen in love with the Mariott 44 - Porte Davis and yes we finally signed our contract on Thursday the 1st April 2010. April fools day - is that a sign i should hope not!!!

We hae picked the tiles, which wasnt as bad as i thought with Nadia's help - and thank God for her..
Anjelica and Dominique were wonderful with their insights, love the fact that they are so happy to be involved in picking their home and understanding the selections will be there for a long time
ok - so i am really new at this - decided that we would build a new home, sadly my hubby and i had no real idea how complicated this would be -
we started looking at display homes, Simmonds, Burbank, Henely and Porter Davis, did all the calculations, cause no one realy tells you that site costs are an added extra - that was the first surprise, and odf couse you think that the wonderfully decorated display homes come as is and then realit hits!!! no the flyscreens, remote controls to the garage doors, drive way, clothes line, letter box isnt included!
what should be asked when walking through the display home is what is NOT included!!! and make sure that you have the sales person walk through the house with you

We did our homework and looked at all of the promotions, where some of the and dont get sucked in by pressure - there are always promotions!!!! don feel like you will miss out cause when one ends within a fortnight there will be another