About Me

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melbourne, vic, Australia
Hi I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls and have the most ownderful husband, we are in the process ofbuilding the Marriott 44 which hasnt been easy, we looked at other homes and found that this was the house which ticked most of the boexes, please feel free to follow our journey and hope that this will help someone else out there

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sept 2010

Thats right there was something wrong but PD had their heads up their ar*es ... my neighbour would not let them underpin their garage, apparently our home was put in the too hard basket and nothing has happened since the 2 June 2010, new plans have been drawn up which we have rejected as they have simply moved the retaining all further into our property which doesnt allow us to have access to the back yard!
So answer is to extend the garage and have a rear garage door, PD want us to pay for it and they can go jump!
New plans drawn up and approved... hopefully they can resetart once again

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