About Me

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melbourne, vic, Australia
Hi I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls and have the most ownderful husband, we are in the process ofbuilding the Marriott 44 which hasnt been easy, we looked at other homes and found that this was the house which ticked most of the boexes, please feel free to follow our journey and hope that this will help someone else out there

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

PCI adjustment

Hi All
As you are probably aware Nick and I are over this whole buiness of house buiilding - its gotten to the too hard atge - we have had little communication re the state of our house -
on Monday things changed as we  went to see the regional manager as our builder had asked for an extenion of the contract which they are already 12 weeks late on - Mr Regional manager listened to what we had to say and so far we are getting updates daily love how you have to go to the top to get things done, we should have done this ages ago -
we have had the house re rendered as they got it wrng the first time... see the attached pic..

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 2011

Its been a long time since we have posted only because it seems that all that we have seen has been so negative. so as we were all taught dont say anything unless you have something positive to say -
we had our PCI 10 days ago and our independant insepction carried out by New Homes - funny how there were so many things they pciked up in terms of contruction which we didnt pick up such as no agi pipes for drainage had been installed and still to today they arent in, so it makes me wonder what they hell has their inspectors picked up and why werent they picked at an earlier stage,
Our home as of Monday is 11 weeks late and we have been told verbally that they are seeking to extend our contract end date by 120 odd days, no way jose' is that happening, the one thing I can say is that all our conversations had been relayed back to our SS and CSA by email - so we have that to go by, tomrrow we are meeting with "management" as it seems that the one thing we keep hearing is that "management" have instrusted us.... so no more hiding behind managements skirts, cause thats who we have asked to see,
since our PCi nothing but nothing has been addressed and as mentioned earlier that was 16 days ago... sort over it and really angry - will let you know what comes out of our meeting tomorrow,

Fingers Crossed!!